Ethiopian Herbal Medicine


Ethiopian Herbal Medicine gives you quick access to scientifically proven information about interconnections between different entities - herbs, active compounds, diseases and conditions, in the case of Herbal and Natural Medicine. It is powered by Bunna Apps - a tool that helps you browse through billions of scientific papers, patents and clinical trials from the most renowned science-related databases like PubMed, PMC (PubMed Central), and Medline, and the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). You can write the name of the herb or the diseases and you’ll get information about it. You can also search for plants on the map, find their locations, and even share your own images and geolocations of plants.

Health System Type
Countries implemented
Level of coverage
Implementing partners
Investing partners / donors
First year of implementation
Client/patient group size
User Interface
Health System Challenge
Operating System
Programming Language
Software included