The Human Resource Information and Management System (HRIMS)


The Human Resource Information and Management System (HRIMS) is a web-based application serving as an integrated and up-to-date HR information system for effective planning and management. It is used to perform Automated HR Gap Analysis with staffing norms for deployment decisions and monitoring. It is used to generate standard reports like employees due for compulsory retirements, eligible staff for promotion and compensation budget.

Health System Challenges and Interventions


Over the years, the health sector have made several attempts without much success to develop and maintain a standardized and comprehensive nominal roll. Hence the HRIMS was introduced to address that challenge.


Address the challenge of inequitable distribution of staff, staff compensation, and to know the number of employees in a facility at a given time/period.

Lessons learned during implementation

The Ghana Health Service can have a standardised and up-to-date norminal roll in real-time

Countries implemented
Level of coverage
Implementing partners
Investing partners / donors
First year of implementation
User Interface
Programming Language
Software included
Data import formats
Data export formats