

iImport is an online application which allows importers to apply for and receive permits to import medicines online and Food, Medicine, and Health Care Administration and Control Authority of Ethiopia (FMHACA) staff to manage these applications online and Used by the FMHACA, iImport provides regulators as well as local agents with real-time visibility into the import permitting process. The system streamlines the approval process for both FMHACA and pharmaceutical importers, will submit applications for import approvals electronically. Both FMHACA and importers can track the status of permits in real-time and also iImport can potentially improve transparency and efficiency in Ethiopia by digitizing the transactions, automating processes, and promoting collaboration among all parties involved in a trade transaction.

Countries implemented
Level of coverage
Implementing partners
Investing partners / donors
First year of implementation
Client/patient group size
User Interface
Operating System
Programming Language
Software included