YendaNafe Application


 The YendaNafe application is a community health application stack to support all activities for community health workers in the community. It is based on the Community Health Toolkit. The application is fully offline where a community health worker synchronizes the data with a backend server upon completing a household visit. The application supports hierarchies in the district from community health workers to site supervisors. The application has decision support and universal health coverage features as well. YendaNafe App is a community health toolkit used both at the community and health facility levels. At the community level, the App is used by community health workers to support their household visits. At a health facility level, site supervisors who are stationed at the health facility also use the web-based application to complete various workflows.


Geographic scope

YendaNafe is being implemented in one district (Neno) in the southern region of Malawi

Health System Challenges and Interventions

Some of the challenges encountered with this system which is used at both community and health facility level is the workflow when it comes to referral and accompaniment from community level to a health facility.