Ghana Key Population Unique Identification System (GKPUIS)


This is a digital platform for Civil Society Organizations (CSO) to collect community-level data on service provision and linkages. This is a tool that is used by volunteers who go to the field and interact with the project beneficiaries. It is an ultra-modern database system to capture, store and analyze accurate data and information on HIV and AIDS services given to key affected populations and generally, persons whose lifestyles put them at a higher risk of contracting HIV

Health System Challenges and Interventions

Challenges being addressed include real time data reporting and data quality issues with several levels of human interference. The GPKUIS platform helps to reduce several manual interferences leading to improved quality. It also helps improve real time data needs for program decision making.  

Lessons learned during implementation

Improved data collection and aggregation for easy analysis

Health Focus Area
Countries implemented
Level of coverage
Investing partners / donors
First year of implementation
User Interface
Health System Intervention
Operating System
Data export formats